Thursday, April 26, 2012

Introducing Humayraa Imani

Salam... Woah dah lama tak bloggie mcm biasa la the typical excuse SIBUK...haha...memang sibuk pun...huhu...have been all occupied with my little missy Humayraa Imani ;)...For the very first time I would like to introduce the new member of my familia, Humayraa Imani bt.Usaid :)...Humayraa will be turning 2 months old pretty soon..huhu..cpt betul anak mama sorang ni membesar..huhu...Jom kenal Humayraa jap..hehe...

23 February 2012
My last antenatal check-up before delivery..huhu...As usual the Dr scan and checked whether my os is open or not (nak tengok whether jalan beranak dah bukak ke belum..huhu)...Dr says it was already 1cm open and that I could go into labour like anytime soon...yaiks...nerbes + cuak + gembira bila dengar Dr cakap mcm tu...Dr gave me a date for admission on the 29th of Feb which was my EDD sebab I do not have any signs of labour..Dr tu tahu my concern yg kalau boleh tak mahu bersalin on my EDD which occurs every 4 years..huhu...Lepas tu I went back home with mama and immediately called Hubs mintak dia balik ASAP..HUHU..

24-26 February 2012
Dah mula turun darah tapi no contraction pain...told mama + usaid + abah....mama and abah chill aje tapi Usaid super concerned and worried...I told my hubs not to worry sgt sbb I dont have contraction pain + waterbag tak pecah lagi..Rilex je lepas check up hari tu..Siap boleh pergi shopping and jalan2 with hubs (tak sedar diri tu dah boyot and tunggu masa je..hehe)..Well I hold that little theory saying that the more an expecting mother walks,the easier ( insyaAllah) the delivery will be...I ate whatever I felt like eating..hehe...It was a memorable moment with hubs...

27 February 2012
Started to have on and off contraction pain + show..I told mr hubs and abah that I think I'll be going into labour that's THE DAY!...dalam dok sakit tu boleh pulak teringin nak makan ketam masak cili...haha...terus abah mintak kak rina tolong masakkan before pergi hosp...I went up to bathe and got myself ready to go to the hosp...thank God beg semua dah ready...lepas tu turun bawah makan ketam masak cili with mr hubs ;) ....nikmatnya lah makan masa tu..before pergi abah suruh minum air selusuh ( bukan air selusuh yg pelik2 air yg dibacakan dgn ayat suci al- quran..air selusuh ni dibuat utk mudahkan bersalin dgn izin Allah) At about 11 am, abah drove me and hubs to the hosp..the pain was getting more about 11.10 am, we arrived at the ED...the guy at the counter asked us to register for they told me to go to the labour room...they offered to wheel me up but me being me,I refused because of that little theory about walking...hehe...lagipun I can still bear the pain so apalah salahnya jalan sendiri i arrived, they examined me and said that I was already in they sent me to the labour room at about 11.30am...Usaid was all worried..hehe...the pain was getting more and more intense rasa macam nak guling2 kat katil sbb sakit sgt2...this by far the most intolerable I totally understand why people say "SYURGA ITU DI BAWAH TELAPAK KAKI IBU"...sakitnya yg amat sgt hanya Allah sahaja yang tahu...I refused epidural because I really wanted to experience labour pain...tapi after about 4 and half hours I could not bear the pain..So I requested for pethidine...well it did not help as much with pain but I felt slightly calmer..tiba2 the nurse told me that my os opening was already only 2cm away..huhu..the nurse started to sweep and strecth to facilitate the labour that time memang dah tak tahan and rasa nak buang air besar sangat2....that was THE TIME...usaid was with me all along...he was the one who hold my hand and leaned me forward when i was in labour..i was too drowsy to push myself forward...sian hubby sebab terpaksa tahan my tangan yg genggam erat tgn dia due to the pain...Alha,dulillah tepat jam 4.32 pm Humayraa Imani bt.Usaid telah selamar dilahirkandgn berat 3.26kg...ALHAMDULILLAH...Thank you Allah for thisprecious gift ;)...

Well itulah serba sedikit about little Humayraa...nnt I will continue further about the journey of motherhood..hehe...till then toodles!! :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Come Back!

It has been almost, really mean ALMOST a year since the last post...huhu...well lotsa things has been going in in my life....lotsa happy, sad, bitter, sweet and sour things going on...well that's life...a bit of everything to make life interesting i suppose :)

Well lets begin with syukur alhamdulillah for the rezeki He has given to me n my hubs n practically my entire family :) "Little one" will be making way pretty soon...hope everything goes well and may our little bundle of joy will bring happiness and barakah in my marriage ~amin ;)

Im already 39 weeks now,just waiting for the "moment of truth" to come...I must say it has been a wonderful experience carrying another soul for the past 9 months...Though I had to go through all the ups and downs being a houseman and at the same time carrying this little one wherever I go, I have to say that I have no regrets...Regardless of what other people say and think, it's definitely a blessing from Allah to be given a chance that not all women would get that is to be given a chance to become insyaAllah a mother. I have to admit, there were times when I was grumpy, groggy and etc, but despite all that, it was a priceless experience...I was never alone during oncalls coz there was my little one accompanying me wherever I go :)
YES it was tiring...and YES my legs were all swollen, aching back, extra sensitive...well you don't have to be preggy to have all of that do you?hehe....

I wish I could share every single moment I went through for the past 9 months but it'll take me forever to put those precious moments into words...what I can conclude is being preggy during your housemanship may be seen as some sort of an "obstacle" by most (esp by my specialists) but don't despair coz when I see other women who comes to the clinic all eager to bare a child of their own, I look at myself and thankAllah for this gift...As my dear friend always say "Allah kan ada"...So wutever my superiors or other people think about me does not matter anymore..I believe that this child is the bestest gift from Allah...Thank you Allah

Don't wanna brag too much, just sharing a 'little' bit of  what's going on in my life...hehe...planning to blog more often while I still can..haha....till then, toodles!