Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Poor Usaid...I did not expect his complaints all this while turned out to be quite severe...
He was diagnosed to have a bad sinus problem during our short balk kampung trip last Saturday....
Luckily abah manage to persuade him to go to the hospital for further check up..
We immediately went to The hospital, arrived at about 10.30pm...
We requested for an ENT specialist as he as been complaining of shortness of breath and that he has been breathing through his mouth (poor Usaid)...
At this very hour while this entry is being done, my dearest hubs is still at the OT...I hope everything goes well for him....aminnn
I do pray that he will breath better than before....get well soon my dear Usaid!

Will be patiently waiting for my hubs...want him to regain his consciousness with me by his side....

Sarah Z.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Time for updates!

Its been more than a month since I last wrote..huhu...'What have I been up to?', you may ask..hehe..Well, I've been making myself 'BeZZZz' being a 'housewife'...Its fun though its the same old routine day in day out...my day starts at approximately 6.30am. So my routine is as follow :

6.00-6.30am : Subuh prayers + Preparing breakfast
7.30 am :  Off to KL to send hubs to work (Though nowadays we leave home at 8.00am....cuti skola ma,  
                 jln kurang jam ;p)

So by 8.30 or 9am I'm super free. So my day just pass by in split seconds doing nothing (Sometimes la..haha) Most of the time basuh baju, cook and etc...enough of the wifey2 stuffs...wouldn't wanna bore you with my daily schedules...huhu

Well within the past 1 month or so, I've been really busy with my wedding receptions in Penang and Johor...Will be updating on those soon [maybe tomorrow ;p]. Till then toodles

p/s : dear hubs, thanx for the ice-cweam night out!luv ya <3