Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tawakal kepada Allah

Well the clinical side of the end of posting examination is over...alhamdulillah...well,im glad its over but I wish I could do better...Well,I'm not going to give up...making mistakes is VITAL as long as we're HUMAN one (I can bet you my last ringgit!) has lived in this world without making any mistakes....Well I definitely learnt my weaknesses from today's short case exam...I guess more practice with short cases would make a difference...I'm not going to blame anyone other than myself...I learnt from my 'akak usrah' (not trying to claim myself as a pious person or anything,but am very interested to improve my knowledge pertaining Islam) that you should always feel good about yourself and not to always blame yourself for what had happened cause there was a study done in Japan stating that saying negative things about yourself would cause some molecular changes in our body of which contains about 75% of water. Intereseting fact!So let's all (telling myself too) be POSITIVE!I've done my level best and the rest 'tawakkaltu a'lallah'...I came back quite unhappy until my friend came by and consoled me with her very famous quote 'Kita kan ada Allah' which almost always and almost immediately puts a smile on my face...Yup, I have Allah..I have my hubs, family and friends who have always been here for me at times of difficulties...will be facing bigger challenges, I just simply can't give in easily!yeahhh!chaiyok2!!!will berjuang till the end!!! ;)


  1. We often find something too difficult to do nor too much to take until we discovered that there are other people around the globe who have not even have their complete features, but somewhere and somehow, managed to do and create great things in their life. So stay POSITIVE hun! :)

  2. yeah,,kite kan ade allah sarah,,:))
